by Dionne Sabbay Thompson October 8th, 2008
"It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed" (Exodus 31:17). “For He spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works” (Hebrews 4:4). The Sabbath must be identified as a memorial, spent with our Eternal and Infinitely loving Creator (1John 4:8,16,19). Part of our preparation for the Sabbath requires God's remnant to grow in sanctification, laying down the burden of sin (1Thessalonians 5:23, 2Peter 3:18). As the close of the house of God's probation approaches (1Peter 4:17), heirs remain faithful and alert, reassuring their seat at the throne of God (Revelation 3:21). Today's sealing message manifests God's Divine, Infinite and Perfect Power (Romans 1:20) Eternally filled with good news, God's sealing message warrants that all chosen (Jews and Gentiles) manifest the Character of Christ, overcoming the propensity of sin (Matthew 5:48, Acts 3:19, 1 John 3:9, Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 page 43). Sin is non-compliance to the Ten Commandments, the Decalogue, containing God's sanctified SABBATH governing HEAVEN and EARTH (Exodus 20, 1John 3:4). Such an allegiance to Divine truth, will be the focus for those who dare to be like the Prophet Daniel and the Three Hebrews, standing for Christ, our Faithful True Witness.
The ongoing work towards Sealing requires fixed, unchangeable, absolute sanctification, which comes from Christ alone. Being justified by faith, we must continue in obedience, building the Character of God (Exodus 20, Romans 5:1-5). Mirroring the image of the Messiah, we must have Him formed fully in us, being found blameless and faultless (Galatians 4:19, Colossians 1:27, 1Thessalonians 5:23, Jude 1:24-25). We must emphasize to both believers and non-believers the need to evacuate Babylon, before the world's probation closure (Revelation 18:1-4, Revelation 22:11). Teaching the three angel's messages to ..."every nation kindred tongue and people" is essential (Revelation 14:6-12). Receiving God's symbolic sealing in our foreheads is our ultimate goal, as the 144,000 (Revelation 14:1). The 7th-day Sabbath is a visible manifestation of God's Sealing Truth (Ezekiel 20:12). As God's righteous Loud Cry messengers, it is imperative that we keep the faith while sharing End Time Truth to all regarding the Godhead and its Power, Wisdom and Love (Deuteronomy 6:4; Proverbs 8:22-36; John 1:1-3,14; Romans 1:16,17,20; 5:1-5).
"Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus" (Revelation 14:12). The people of God must understand the seriousness of the times. We must evacuate spiritually from Babylon, following God with no compromise. Seventh-day Adventists must reform their ways, teaching the world about the need to abstain from worldly, earthly appetites and lusts: unhealthful diets, smoking, drinking alcohol, dangerous meat eating, caffeine consumption, pornography, television addiction, diabolical video games, cursing, worldly adornment, attending bars and worldly concerts, just to mention a few.
The purpose of purging is to bring forth more fruit. As Christians, anything preventing the reproduction of the fruit of the Spirit will be purged by the Husbandman, God the Father (John 15:1). Galatians 5:16-26 edifies that if we are walking in the flesh than the Spirit will not be reproduced. If we are walking in the flesh then a Spiritual walk is denied access and fulfillment. An unconverted person will manifest the works of the flesh. The purging process is to remove the unChrist-like characteristics (Galatians 5:16-21). Anything that is not within the fruits of the Spirit is within the works of the flesh. All fleshly traits even that which is hidden from our view must be given up, purged, crucified (Galatians 2:20). Purging is a cleansing process only active within an abiding relationship with Christ.
Once we are abiding in Christ, purging will remove branches not bearing fruits. Any branch that beareth not fruits, hinders perfection of character (Matthew 5:48, Acts 3:19, 1John 3:9, Testimonies for the Church Volume 3 page 43). Trials and problems are used to purge us in our Christian walk. By focusing on Christ, the defects that hinder our character perfection will be removed by the Pruner, God the Father, the Husbandman. Whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth (Hebrews 12:6). The works of the flesh must be purged out, so that the fruits of Spirit can be manifested. "My Father is the husbandman", thus it is God the Father that does the purging (John 15:1). Skillfully, God removes the sin from our lives, by grace through faith, as we faithfully trust in Him (Ephesians 2:8-10). God will remove all that He needs to remove. We need not fight against the providence of the Lord. Trials, a providence, enables the purifying process (Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:1-3, Titus 2:14). Thus, by grace through faith and sanctification we must thank God for trials and tribulation. We must first be born again through the promises of God. Sufficient grace is given to a child born of God, overcoming sin (Matthew 5:48, Acts 3:19, 1John 3:9, Testimonies for the Church Volume 3 page 43). Righteousness, virtue and knowledge are taught in 2Peter 3-18, illustrating a process of sanctified advancement.
Job, a man perfect and upright, endured trials, losing all his earthly wealth, yet through his hardship, he was purified, as gold tried in the fire (Job 1:1, Malachi 3:1-3). The 144,000 must fully rest in the Lord, as their hardships will increase, engaging them in serious tests without an Intercessor. As Christians, our characters must be tested and tried. Hebrews 5 edifies that Christ is the Son of God, who was made in the flesh, yet suffered hardship, standing true with obedience to the Word. We will not be expected to go through trials that Christ Himself did not endure. How do Christians become perfect, you ask? It is through trials. Perfection of character is formed through suffering and hardship; a testing process that Abraham and Christ endured (Genesis 22, Matthew 36).
Christ was perfect, remaining obedient through hardship and suffering. God the Father is the Husbandman and as per 1Corinthians 10:13, He is faithful, providing the assurance that we will not be tempted beyond our tolerance. God the Father has promised us grace, allowing us to deal with such trials with a Christ-like Heavenly Spirit (Hebrews 4:16). Grace is sufficient and more than enough for us, delivering us from trials. Deliverance can also be in the form of tolerance and resilience. There is no development of character without hardship. Every martyr was chosen by God for a Divine purpose, empowered by the Holy Spirit (Romans 1:20). Christ in the garden of Gethsemane, sweat drops of blood, pleading for the Father "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt" (Matthew 26:39). Our Savior endured pain for all of us, even those that pierced Him. Be encouraged, advance in sanctification; life challenges may be difficult, but keep the faith, for great is our reward in Heaven (Matthew 5:11,12).
The church of Philadelphia is true Adventism, God's spotless bride, preparing to meet Christ, the Bridegroom (Ephesians 5:21-31, Revelation 3:7-13). As we prepare for the Latter Rain (Joel 2:23, Zechariah 10:1, James 5:7), embracing the return of Christ, true sincere believers must focus on becoming harvest ripe, perfecting Christ-like characters. Harvest ripe by biblical definition entails a process of establishing ..."first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear"(Mark 4:26-29). "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord" (Acts 3:19). Once, our characters have become converted and faultless, we have reached the stage of "the ear", poised for the showers of the Spiritually enriching latter rain (Zechariah 10:1, Matthew 5:48, Acts 3:19, James 5:7, 1John 3:9, Testimonies for the Church Volume 3 page 43).
We must focus on strengthening the true church of Christ, those that keep the Ten commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ, adhering to the law and the testimony. The focus on the light of Truth, a non-negotiable objective, will be kept solely by true Christians, obedient and faithful; God's peculiar people (Isaiah 8:20, Titus 2:14, 1Peter 2:9, Revelation 14:12). An uncompromising, unchangeable, immutable faith in the Messiah, our Redeemer, is thus required. God wants his chosen to daily grow in sanctification, developing in the Character of God. Finding love and reassurance in the Messiah by grace through faith, God's remnant can become firmly rooted in Truth; receptive of the Seal of God (John 15:1-7, Ephesians 2:8-10, Ephesians 4:30, 2Peter 3:18). With guile-free mouths and blemish-free garments, those chosen, successfully withstanding the trials and tribulation without the aid of an Intercessor, will be rewarded as God's precious gems, 144,000 in number (Revelation 7:1-4).