By Dionne Sabbay Thompson November 7th 2008
As the battle between good and evil proceeds, God’s people advancing in Sanctification, observe the unfolding of History’s final events. The Sealing Power of God and its infinite, perfection secures those honoring the Ten Commandments, embracing the faith of the Messiah, Jesus Christ (Isaiah 8:20, Revelation 14:12). "The Lord has a great work to be done, and He will bequeath the most in the future life to those who do the most faithful, willing service in the present life. The Lord chooses His own agents, and each day under different circumstances He gives them a trial in His plan of operation. In each true-hearted endeavor to work out His plan, He chooses His agents not because they are perfect but because, through a connection with Him, they may gain perfection" (Christ Object Lessons 330 paragraph 1). "The glory of Christ is revealed in the law, which is a transcript of His character, and His transforming efficacy is felt upon the soul until men become changed to His likeness. They are made partakers of the divine nature, and grow more and more like their Saviour, advancing step by step in conformity to the will of God, till they reach perfection" (SDA Bible Commentary Volume 6 page 1096 paragraph 4).
The most salient part of this moment in time, relates to the forthcoming Mark of the Beast, Enforced National Sunday Law, a tool which will be activated by the adversary Satan once, God’s people are securely sealed. At that point, Satan will have no other recourse but, to move forward, changing times and laws, enforcing the now dormant American Sunday law (Daniel 7:25, Revelation 12:17, Revelation 13:11-18). The Sealing mark by the Living God, requires that saints establish and maintain a obedient, fixed, unchanging, absolute sin-free and completely surrendered life, through the gift of the Messiah's righteousness (Deuteronomy 6:1-8, Revelation 7:1-4). Enoch, living within a sin infested society similar to ours during his times, was able to accomplish Victory over sin, and he was later redeemed from the earth (Genesis 5:24, 6:5). Be encouraged, as persecution will purify God’s remnant (Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:1-3, Titus 2:14).
The harvest must be ripe in order for the Reaper and His administration to return (Revelation 14:14-6). As we are in a new cycle of God’s work, remembering that our Creator will not be mocked and His Word will not return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11, Galatians 6:7). Our Maker will not accept or receive any soul that is not perfect in character, as gold tried in the fire (Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:1-3, Matthew 5:48, 1John 3:9, 1-8Peter 1:7). God detests lukewarmness and thus, He will find messengers who are righteous and worthy to deliver the TRUTH (Revelation 3:7.8, 14, 15). The Apostle Paul, an inspired writer and Prophet, wrote about the consequences resulting from the rejection of the Everlasting Gospel, as without it, we will not be able to overcome sin, resulting in bondage (Romans 1:18-32). There is only one Everlasting Gospel (Romans 1).
There are four watches in one generation. As a generation is 40 years, a watch is 10 years (Luke 12:35-38, Hebrews 3:7-11). The first and second watch are the most favorable as that is when zealous, accelerated works are the most apparent within the harvest. Every generation contains 4 watches and there is danger foreseen that results in missing the first or second watch, as what ye sow, that ye shall also reap (Exodus 20:5, Ecclesiastes 8:5-6; Matthew 13:37-39; Luke 12:35,38; Galatians 6:7-9). As the shaking process proceeds in the church, it causes an opportune time for spiritual advancement, as the calling is fresh, conducive for harvest ripeness “the ear”, later to be fully nourished by the latter rain, forming the “full corn in the ear” (Zechariah 10:1, Mark 4:26-29, James 5:7).
The Mark of the Beast, Enforced Sunday Law, was foreseen by the Prophet EGW, who was given light in the 1800’s regarding this serious matter (Great Controversy chapter 35). Satan has been on this earth like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1Peter 5:8). Where God is not in control, Satan ensares souls who have lost their connection with the Creator (Great Controversy Chapter 32). As the Messiah remains in the most Holy place, interceding and mediating on behalf of those who call on His name for the remission of sins, Satan seeks to utilize measures of temptation and persecution, to diminish their faith (Matthew 26:28, 1Timothy 2:5) . God’s people remaining faithful, seek only the reassurance of the Most High, as they live daily without fear or panic, regarding the forthcoming trials and tribulation, as God does not cause a spirit of fear (2Timothy 1:7, Revelation 16). God has promised His people that their HIDDEN MANNA, food and water shall be sure, as the righteous will never be forsaken or their seed begging bread (Exodus 16:31, Numbers 11:7, Psalms 37:25, Revelation 2:17). Once, Enforced Sunday law, the Mark of the Beast, takes its position and protocol, worldly, Babylonian, Principalities will prevent the remnant’s ability to buy or sell, but God promises livelihood resources (Revelation 13:11-18).
The Administration of God has all power, thus the Heavenly angel’s of the Lord have been watching, awaiting the advancement of time, hastening the return of the Messiah, Christ Jesus. Holy angels are anxious to see the vindication of the Savior who defeated Satan, a liar and murderer, at the cross where it was “FINISHED” (John 19:30). Heavenly angel’s flying in the midst of heaven, bellowing the Three Angel’s messages, have long awaited the moment in time when sin can be completely eradicated from the face of this earth (Revelation 14:6-12, Revelation 18:1-4). Following the Millennium, God’s people will return to the earth, where they will spend eternity (Revelation 20:4-15). The heavenly administration recalls those martyred for the Word, Christ Jesus: and their reward is sure (Acts 22:20, Revelation 2:13, Revelation 20:4, Revelation 6:9-11).
The 144,000, God’s remnant and harvest, are now preparing their temples, as they watch their diets, abstaining from those unhealthful behaviors that will ultimately prevent them from withstanding trials and tribulation, without Christ, the Intercessor (Daniel 12:1,2; 1Corinthians 6:19; Revelation 6:17, 7:1-4). Those who watch and wait, identifying the signs of the times; indicators pointing to the Final Crisis on the Earth, are humble, meek and lowly, cognizant of the Word and its Power (Matthew 5:5, 11:29, Romans 1:20). Most have labeled the Seventh-day Adventist message as cult-like or Babylonian, misunderstanding the true meaning of “Seventh-day Adventist”. By definition, Protestants are those who protest the ways of the Papacy beginning in the Dark ages, which manifested false doctrines that went against Scripture, thus the principle of Protestantism is “Sola Scriptura”. Definitively, the Seventh-day relates to the day of rest, sanctified and hallowed by God in Heaven (Genesis 2:3, Exodus 20:8), and the word “Adventist” relates to the second Advent, Christ’s imminent return (1Thessalonians 4:16-17). Those who seek to change their names, assuming that Seventh-day Adventism is simply a man-made earthly denomination have fully misunderstood the identity of the Seventh-day Adventist movement and people, the True remnant (Revelation 14:12). Christ for all intents and purposes is Seventh-day Adventist (Medical Ministry page 49).
As time advances and God’s people seek to edify the populace about the New Covenant Experience and the True Witness, Christ Jesus the Elijah Message becomes such an important focus (Malachi 4:5,6). The remnant, people of God, are given a reformatory message similar to Elijah, who preached to Ahab and Jezebel. Elijah’s message is related to our End Time messages of revival and reformation, calling the people of God back to the Divinity of God, repentant in nature. John the Baptist, a righteous martyr, preached the Elijah Message, as the people of God need to preach this same message (Matthew 3:2,3; Matthew 11:9-15). As prophesied, the three unclean spirits as frogs, the Dragon (Satan), the Beast, the Papacy (Vatican, church and state) and the False Prophet, historic and present Spiritualism, Ecumenism, Pantheism (multi-faceted Apostate or False Protestantism), sweep the earth as Satan deceives many (Revelation 16:13). The teachings of satanic sun worship, a deceptive practice, upheld by many Protestants, unknowingly, as they seek to find ways to erase, the Ten commandments, has been displeasing to the Creator (Daniel 7:25). God’s heavenly constitution, the Ten Commandments are legal and binding, having authority far greater than earthly beings can imagine, as God’s angels keep the Ten Commandments in heaven. Lucifer was cast out of heaven because of his breech of such a Heavenly ordinance (Ezekiel 28:15, Revelation 12:1-4). Thus we must understand the power that the Ten Commandments truly have over all, even those that are not physical descendants of Abraham’s bloodline. The highest calling requires that all take heed of the law and testimony of Christ Jesus (Isaiah 8:20, Revelation 12:17).
The entire world will be taught about the precious message of Righteousness by faith: every nation, kindred, tongue and people will know of the eternal power of the Everlasting Gospel (Romans 1:16,17; Ephesians 2:8-10, Philippians 3:9-11; Revelation 14:6-7). God, in all fairness, will allow this precious message to reach all, even those who are in distant societies, not well known to mankind (Isaiah 45:21). The continents of: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica will be exposed to this precious light, as the Messiah wishes that none were lost (John 3:16,17). God’s work will not return to Him void, as He promises that there will be a remnant, manifesting His character and fruits (Exodus 20, Isaiah 55:11; Matthew 5:48. Galatians 5:22-23; Revelation 14:1-5). Let us be found blameless and faultless, guile-free, manifesting unstained, mark-free garments for our Savior who overcame the world for all mankind (John 16:33, 1Thessalonians 5:23, Jude 1:24-25; Revelation 14:1-5). Be encouraged saints, as we advance in Sanctification, looking unto Glorification, when our Savior shall return, crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords, promising overcomers a seat at His throne (2Peter 3:18, Revelation 3:21, 19:11).